Former Fox News host Glenn Beck did not like it when the network kept telling him what to say during his show, but he got particularly upset when he was instructed to "stop talking about God."
"I was told, 'Stop telling people to pray.' I was told not to tell people to pray on their knees because there's a lot of people in the audience whose knees hurt and I make them feel bad," the 52-year-old Beck shared, according to News Max. "I was told, 'Stop praying because that takes God's focus off the important things like war.'"
He said he was surprised by the network's comments, and initially thought that those things only happened in CNN. However, Beck paid no heed to their request and continued to talk about God and prayer on his show.
Four months later, he was called to a meeting by the same unnamed Fox News executive. "Do you realise how many times you've said the word 'God' on the air since (that conversation)?" Beck recalled being asked.
According to the Fox executive, Beck did so at least 91 times. It was then that he decided that it was time to leave the network.
"The Lord was telling us, 'You are in the wrong place. You're just in the wrong place,'" Beck said. "And when we left, I wanted to stay there. In fact, the guy who runs the place told me, 'You're not leaving.'"
However, Beck already made up his mind. Even though he was told that he would live a great life and continue to make good money while with Fox, the news anchor said it's simply better to leave.
"And that's because God said to me: 'If you don't leave now, you're not going to leave without your soul. Because once you start wanting it, that's when you start compromising," he said.