Girl Who Claimed She Was Pregnant With Baby Jesus Now Admits To Dr. Phil That It Was Just Gas

Haley checks her stomach in a scene from the Dr. Phil Show. (Screenshot/Dr. Phil Show/Harpo Productions)

"Baby Jesus" turned out to be just gas.

The moment of truth has arrived for a girl named Haley who claimed she was nine months pregnant with baby Jesus in Dr. Phil's Show in November last year.

Haley returned to the U.S. chat show this weekend and finally admitted that it was just a phantom pregnancy, saying that the bulge in her stomach was caused by just "a bunch of gas," The Sun reported.

Haley, who recently turned 20, was placed in a residential treatment programme after she first appeared on the show claiming that she was pregnant with the Son of God. Just to prove her wrong, Dr. Phil took the trouble of subjecting her to a series of pregnancy tests and a pelvic exam, including ultrasound, that all yielded negative results.

During the first two weeks of her treatment programme, Haley refused medication still insisting that she was pregnant.

But then, as she confessed this weekend, "I woke up one night and I thought I was having a contraction. I looked at my stomach and it went completely flat. It made me realise I wasn't pregnant

"I had a bunch of gas lodged in my stomach and I thought I was pregnant," she said matter-of-factly.

But still, Haley appeared not yet fully grounded on reality. She told Dr. Phil she still believed Eminem was her dad – and that Dr Phil was her uncle.

And although she just admitted that her pregnancy was just a fantasy, Haley said she's grieving as if she'd had a miscarriage.

"It didn't help me because I was more depressed. I am going through a big loss. I thought I'd lost my baby. I'm still grieving," she said.

In a previous report, Haley's mother Kristi and sister Adriana said they are fed up with her claims, calling her a "compulsive liar" and "delusional" when she first made the "baby Jesus" pregnancy claim in November.

When Haley was examined by Dr. Travis Stork from The Doctors, who subjected her to an ultrasound test. The doctor later said the test result was negative for pregnancy and that the movement she claimed to be feeling in her stomach was actually from distended bowels, not a baby.