'Gilmore Girls' revival 2 rumors: Rory and Jess to rekindle romance? Netflix discussing more episodes

Rory (Alexis Bledel) and Lorelai (Lauren Graham) in "Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life" promo still Netflix

It seems like the "Gilmore Girls" revival on Netflix - "A Year In The Life" - hasn't slaked the thirst for the hit show, but only whet the appetite of fans even more.  And it appears Netflix is equally keen on doing more episodes. 

It's little wonder that fans want more as the four-episode reboot ended with a tantelizing cliffhanger.  And now, Netflix has revealed that talks are already underway with the people behind the revival, Amy Sherman-Palladino and Dan Palladino.

That's awesome news for fans, who will recall that the reboot ended with Rory revealing that she is pregnant. Such an open ending was something of a surprise because all of the teasers from the showrunners in the lead up to the revival suggested that the reboot would be all about tying up the loose ends from the original show, not springing open new ones!  

And yes, lots of loose ends were finally tied up.  The long-awaited wedding between Lorelai and Luke finally happened. And Rory got the closure she needed with Logan as he marries his fiance.

But there's undeniably plenty of scope there now for more episodes and possibly a whole extended series that would tell more of the story of Rory, her pregnancy and of course the eventual birth of her child.  

And of course, there's her relationship with Jess.  It's obvious from the reboot that he still has feelings for her, but are they reciprocated and even if they were, would she act on them?

We can only wait and see as Netflix figures out where to take the show from here, if indeed it does go ahead with "A Year In The Life" 2. 

"We hope there are more installments. We obviously loved the success of the show, fans loved how well it was done, it delivered what they hoped," said Netflix executive Ted Sarandos, according to The Sydney Morning Herald. "People were really excited about more, and we have been talking to them about the possibility of that."