'Gay moment' in Beauty and the Beast will mean boycott, claims conservative group

Luke Evans (left) as Gaston and Josh Gad as Lefou in a scene from 'The Beauty and the Beast'. Walt Disney

A conservative Christian group says its supporters are far less likely to see a hit movie than they would have been because of a passing reference to homosexuality.

'Faith Driven Consumer' is a website which claims to represent 41 million Americans. It says the passing moment in Beauty and the Beast in which two characters dance with each other is driving millions of consumers away from Disney.

It says in a press release that 95 per cent of Faith Driven Consumers are less likely to see the film due to Disney's decision to include an 'exclusively gay moment'.

'Disney's decision to celebrate LGBT individuals with an "exclusively gay moment" in Beauty and the Beast is a testament to the LGBT community's success in advocating for and achieving high-profile recognition of their worldview,' said Chris Stone, founder of Faith Driven Consumer. He continued: 'Beauty and the Beast – previously an acceptable family film – is now being used, as its director proudly revealed, to promote a message that is in conflict with deeply held tenets of Faith Driven Consumers' religious beliefs.'

The impact of the Faith Driven Consumer's purported boycott seems to be limited. It's reported that the film is set to be the fastest-selling family film of all time.