'Game of Thrones' season 8 release date confirmed by Sophie Turner

Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark in "Game of Thrones" season 7. HBO

Sophie Turner has confirmed that the highly anticipated "Game of Thrones" season 8 will not premiere next year. The young British actress who plays the role of "Sansa Stark" in the series has boldly stated that HBO's hit TV show will air in 2019 instead.

In an interview with Variety, Sophie talked about their progress on the production of season 8, stating that since they started last October, they have about six to seven months left. When asked about how she felt about the epic fantasy series "X-Men: Dark Phoenix" set to premiere next year, she concisely and briefly replied, "Yeah, I'm really excited. 'Game of Thrones' comes out in 2019. 'Dark Phoenix' is in November. Then I have a couple indie movies coming out. I'm a producer on my next movie ['Girl Who Fell from the Sky']. So I'm really excited about the future."

Season 8 will be the last and final season of HBO's well-loved TV show. Like the series' seventh installment, it will be a shorter series, consisting of only six episodes. All cast members who survived the previous season are expected to return this season, except Indira Varma, who plays Ellaria Sand.

"Game of Thrones" is an epic fantasy drama TV show based on the ongoing seven-part book series by George R. R. Martin, "A Song of Ice and Fire." It premiered on HBO in 2011. From there, the series' fanbase has continually increased as the series' popularity picked up, spanning across cultures and ultimately garnering several awards. It has become a part of American popular culture and is globally recognized as one of the best and most-watched TV shows.

According to a report by TorrentFreak, as of 2017, it is still the "most pirated show ever," a title it first earned way back to season 4's finale. While season 8 will be its final season, several unconfirmed prequel spin-offs emerging from the rich fictional universe of Westeros have been reported.