With season eight still far out on the horizon, many "Game of Thrones" fans are already in desperation mode for any new information about the final season they can find. Many news writers are also too busy scouring the internet for any clues that may lead to a confirmation regarding the show's final release date.
Kit Harington, who plays Jon Snow is currently in Belfast with the rest of the crew to film the final six episodes of HBO's hugely successful fantasy epic.
The 30-year-old actor admitted that the magnitude of the events surrounding the final season has just recently begun to set in.
"I'm actually down in York, I'm back in Belfast sometime next week," Harington revealed in an interview with TIME. "It's a lot of – it's just bigger than it's ever been! It's sinking in, it's just quite emotional."
His long tenure with the worldwide hit show had somewhat fused together his personal and professional lives, and being Jon Snow for so long did not exactly give him time to prepare for life after the show.
"I don't know how I'm going to feel sometime next year when I've finished. It's quite a sudden shift, I guess, but it feels like the right time,"he added.
Meanwhile, fellow cast member John Bradley revealed to TV Guide in a recent interview a "mysterious Season 8 spoiler."
"Each of the characters this year is placed in a completely alien environment at some point in the season that they've never been placed before," Bradley said, adding, "The thrill is seeing how they react to it and how and how they respond. This Season, I think, more than any other is stretching these characters."
He also stated that they are working hard to give the season an ending that all fans deserve.