'Friday the 13th: The Game' news: Double EXP this Halloween, new game mode Paranoia announced

Promotional image for the Paranoia game mode of "Friday the 13th: The Game." Twitter/Friday13thGame

Halloween is in full force in the survival horror title "Friday the 13th: The Game."

In line with the spooky holiday, players will be able to double their experience points (EXP) until Nov. 1. This means players will not only be able to level up their characters twice as fast this Halloween, but they will also be able to use these extra points to unlock new skills for the counselors or new execution moves for Jason.

Double EXP isn't the only thing coming to "Friday the 13<sup>th: The Game" this Halloween. Aside from that, players will also be able to purchase the Halloween Costume Pack for $1.99.

Each of the counselors come with their own costume, ranging from fairy princess to army guy. The costumes will be available on all of the game's platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam.

Halloween goodies aside, publisher Gun Media also released information about a brand-new game mode coming to "Friday the 13th: The Game" in the near future.

According to PC Gamer, the brand-new mode will be called Paranoia. It will be a free to download addition for everyone who already owns the game.

The trailer for the upcoming mode was uploaded to Gun Media's YouTube channel on Oct. 27. Less than a minute long, the trailer mostly features Jason's masks, the faces of the camp counselors, and the camp players exploring the game.

Similar to the release dates, not much information on the upcoming mode has been released as of yet. However, fans have been speculating on what the game mode would be about. Some stated that it would probably be a mode where the killer has to pretend to be one of the counselors and pick the players off one by one.

"Friday the 13th: The Game" is a multiplayer horror game based on the movie franchise of the same name. It first came out in May and is currently 50 percent off until the end of Steam's Halloween sale.