'Friday the 13th: The Game' news: Developer shares update on new patch

An image from the official website of "Friday the 13th: The Game" showing killer Jason Voorhees Friday the 13th: The Game Website

Developers of the survival horror video game "Friday the 13th: The Game" recently gave an update about its next patch. But it is not the kind of news that fans of the game would like to hear.

The announcement was posted in the community forum of the game. It begins by stating that there are no new patches set for release this November. The update also states that the developers are still working on some new content.

Aside from raising the current level cap to 150, there will be more exciting things to look forward to in the next update. According to the developer, "the only hint we can provide right now is this: check the planned content road map."

Bleeding Cool News notes that the only point on the map that has not been released yet are the New Counselors and the Jarvis House Map. However, there are no news about these areas yet.

The update further states that the upcoming patch will not be balance-focused. Nevertheless, this does not mean that they will not be making any adjustments to the balance. Also, there will not be as many high-impact changes like those in the previous patch.

The new patch will be focused on introducing new content and fixing bugs. There will be balance changes on Jason Voorhees since he requires some additional tuning. As of this writing, there is no expected time of arrival for the new patch yet. But once the patch is already completed and approved on all platforms, it will immediately be released.

On how the update was received, members of the community were not pleased with the offering. Many pointed out that they need to fix the bug that occurs once all the achievements are unlocked. Gamers are asking the developers to prioritize the issue.

"Friday the 13th: The Game," which is developed by IllFonic and published by Gun Media, is based on the film franchise of the same name. It was released on May 26, 2017 as a digital release and later had a physical release on Oct. 13, 2017 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.