Franklin Graham urges boycott of 2017 NBA All-Star Game after Charlotte pullout over bathroom policy

Rev. Franklin Graham says, 'I think the NBA needs to realize that the safety of women and children is far more important than a ball game.' (Facebook/Franklin Graham)

Rev. Franklin Graham thinks it's a shame that the NBA has decided to pull out their 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte, North Carolina simply because the state wishes to protect its locals and not heed the demands made by the LGBT activists to allow people to use bathrooms based on their preferred identity.

"The fact is this—the North Carolina legislators and Governor Pat McCrory are exactly right for protecting the state's women and children from pedophiles and sexually disturbed people who are looking for opportunities to take advantage," Graham says on his Facebook page.

"This is basic common sense, but the NBA cares more about being perceived as politically correct and catering to sexual activists who are trying to use this situation as a scare tactic to gain leverage to change North Carolina's law," the evangelist says. "I think the NBA needs to realize that the safety of women and children is far more important than a ball game."

While Graham acknowledges that the NBA has the right to hold their games wherever they choose, moving out of North Carolina as a punishment for wanting to protect women and children is just plain wrong.

Because of this, Graham is planning to boycott the All-Star Game next year. As much as Graham loves watching basketball, he is going to give it up to show his support for North Carolina, and he is encouraging other Christians to do the same thing.

"You can let the NBA know on their Facebook page that you're not going to watch. And we need to let the sponsors of this All-Star Game know that we don't agree with this decision and don't have to buy their products," he says.

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