Franklin Graham: Sinners get 'complete debt forgiveness' through Jesus Christ

Evangelist Franklin Graham says ‘in life, we all owe a debt we can't pay and need forgiveness.’ (Facebook/Franklin Graham)

Even though Greece has slightly recovered from its financial debt woes, American evangelist Franklin Graham said the European country still has not attained "complete debt forgiveness."

However, this kind of forgiveness is given freely by God to sinners who turn to Him and ask for such, he said.

"Today banks in Greece have finally reopened following the country's financial disaster. Greece had gotten into tremendous financial debt that they had no way of repaying. A last-minute deal was finally reached with their creditors, but it wasn't the 'complete debt forgiveness' they had wanted," he wrote on his Facebook page.

However, for people with sincere hearts to serve God, the outcome can be different. People's sins might keep them from heaven, but Jesus Christ took down that barrier when He sacrificed His own life, Graham said.

"In life, we all owe a debt we can't pay and need forgiveness. The Bible says, 'The wages of sin is death.' But Jesus Christ came to earth to die on a cross and pay the price for our sins, and God raised Him to life—making forgiveness and eternal life available to all mankind. That's what I call complete debt forgiveness! Do you have it?" he asked his followers.

One of the biggest sins the world is faced with that Graham is tackling is abortion and the illegal sale of body parts, which Planned Parenthood has been caught doing.

"Abortion is a sin and is clearly murder in God's eyes. The people who perform it have no conscience, so I'm not at all surprised that they would be selling organs, tissue, and body parts from babies. Planned Parenthood should be put out of business — they've done enough damage," he said.

Graham warned that sin has an enormous price and one day Planned Parenthood, together with all of the politicians who have voted for and defended abortion will have to answer to God for "the millions of innocent lives taken by abortion."

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