Franklin Graham says Target 'in denial' over losses incurred by its transgender bathroom policy

Employees work at a Target store at St. Albert, Alberta, Canada. Reuters

Rev. Franklin Graham believes that companies who are siding with LGBT activists and promoting transgender bathroom policies are turning a blind eye towards the needs and wants of conservative families, and they are doing so even at the risk of losing their profits.

One example is Target, which recently issued a new policy allowing "transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity." Unfortunately for Target, their decision backfired.

"Target stock is tumbling after they announced a pro-transgender restroom policy allowing men to use women's bathrooms and changing rooms. Stock value has fallen 20 percent and shareholder value has lost $10 billion since they began promoting this dangerous policy," Graham writes on his Facebook page.

When asked to comment about the company's plunging stocks, Target CEO Brian Cornell says it's due in part to "unfavourable weather trends in the Northeast." Graham cannot believe that the Target head honcho refuses to acknowledge the negative effects caused by the company's "inclusivity" policy.

"Really? He must be in denial. Wake up corporate America and stockholders—American families clearly do not want this. Over 1.2 million people have signed the online petition to boycott Target stores. This is sending a strong message, and I hope that millions more will sign it," says Graham.

The petition Graham is referring to was the one started by the non-profit Christian organisation called American Family Association, headed by Tim Wildmon.

"Target's policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women's bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?" the AFA asks in its petition. "Clearly, Target's dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters."

The AFA suggests that Target simply create a unisex bathroom and maintain separate facilities for men and women. This way, straight males and females can still have their privacy while still accommodating the needs of the trans community.

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