Franklin Graham says 'hypocrite of the year award' goes to PayPal for its action against North Carolina

Rev. Franklin Graham urges people to pray for government leaders who stand strong despite attacks from those with 'wicked agenda.' (Facebook/Franklin Graham)

Rev. Franklin Graham has some sharp words against online payment system PayPal after the company withdrew its plan to establish an office in North Carolina, which would have brought new jobs, after its political leaders enacted a law that LGBT activists say discriminates against them.

"PayPal gets the hypocrite of the year award!" Graham writes on his Facebook page. "This company says they're not coming to North Carolina because the legislators and Gov. Pat McCrory have passed a law to protect women and children against sexual predators by not allowing men to use women's restrooms and locker rooms."

Graham says the company has no right to make threats like that because they are already doing business in 25 countries where homosexual activities are deemed illegal. In fact, five of those countries even have a penal system where homosexuality is punishable by death.

"PayPal operates in countries including Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Yemen, for Pete's sake," says Graham. And just last month, PayPal made the announcement that they will be expanding in Cuba—a country that imprisons, tortures, and executes homosexuals and transgender people.

"PayPal only agreed to come to Charlotte in the first place after holding out for millions in corporate incentives. And under the current law that they are so strongly protesting, PayPal could have chosen their own corporate bathroom policies," notes Graham.

The evangelist is proud of the stand taken by North Carolina leaders despite the threats and backlash they have been receiving over the new bathroom privacy law. He specifically lauded Lt. Governor Dan Forest, who earlier said: "If our action in keeping men out of women's bathrooms and showers protected the life of just one child or one woman from being molested or assaulted, then it was worth it. North Carolina will never put a price tag on the value of our children. They are precious and priceless."

Forest said if a corporation fails to see just how important it is for the state to protect their children, then he "wish[es] them well as they do business somewhere else."

Graham hopes that other politicians in the country will develop the same sturdy backbone that Forest has. He encourages people to pray for government leaders who continue to stand strong despite the attacks from those with "wicked agenda."

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