Franklin Graham says gay people can go to heaven, but they must first 'leave their sins'

Reverend Franklin Graham tells Christian parents to be careful who they let their kids associate with. (Facebook/Franklin Graham)

There is always hope for gay people to enter heaven, said Reverend Franklin Graham, but they must first "repent" and "leave their sins."

During a recent conversation he had with Focus on the Family founder Dr. James Dobson in his Family Talk radio programme, Graham stressed that people simply "cannot stay gay and continue to call yourself a Christian."

He warned Christian parents to be careful who they let their kids associate with since Christians have now "allowed the enemy to come into our churches."

"We have to be so careful who we let our kids hang out with," he said. "We have to be so careful who we let into the churches. You have immoral people that get into the churches and it begins to affect the others in the church and it is dangerous."

Christians might think that by letting gay people enter the church, they can influence them to be better, but Graham said that there's a possibility the plan might backfire.

Graham reasoned that Christians always want to fight the enemy by "smiling and being real nice and loving," but that approach does not always work because the enemy is out for complete annihilation.

"He wants to devour our homes. He wants to devour this nation," Graham warned. "So, I'm going to encourage the church to take a stand for Christ. To be the church, to take a stand for righteousness. And homosexuality is—we have allowed into our schools—that's why I want to get the school boards back—homosexuality is taught to be okay in our universities, and you have all these diversity classes and all these nice names that they come up with promoting and pushing homosexuality."

Billy Graham's son wanted to clarify that he is not out to bash gay people since God loves all of them. Instead, he wants to offer them hope for salvation.

"They have to believe in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and trust Him as their Saviour. They have to be willing to follow Him as their Lord," he said.

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