Franklin Graham hails defeat of Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance in referendum

Reverend Franklin Graham says women's restrooms would have been left wide open to registered male sex offenders and other sexual predators had Houston's 'Equal Rights Ordinance' won in the recent referendum. Reuters

While some consider the referendum defeat of Houston's "Equal Rights Ordinance" as a setback, for American evangelist Franklin Graham, it is a true victory that highlights people's moral convictions.

"Yesterday the citizens of Houston overwhelmingly voted to defeat what was called the Houston 'Equal Rights Ordinance' that would have allowed transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice," Graham writes on his Facebook page. 

"This outrageous referendum would've left women's restrooms wide open to registered male sex offenders and other sexual predators. In spite of high-profile endorsements from the White House, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and Houston's gay activist mayor — this outrageous referendum lost. That's a victory and great news for Houston!"

Graham cannot help but applaud the Houston Area Texas Pastor Council as well as Texas Governor Greg Abbott for standing up against the ordinance and voting "no" to its passage.

"Voters and leaders at all levels across America need to take note that these battles are worth fighting for the sake of the future of our nation," he says.

Graham's post has received over 55,000 likes and has warranted tons of comments—both positive and negative. A Facebook user named Ann Britt Smith comments, "It seems that common sense and sensibility are returning to America. Thank the Lord. The minority rule and interference in the name of equal rights in our lives has to be stopped."

Brian Senior, on the other hand, is both thrilled and apprehensive about the dismissed referendum. "Unfortunately it will probably be yet another 'short lived' victory," he mulls. "The Administration will undoubtedly find a way around the will of the people and common sense. This will be overturned by ONE well placed politically appointed judge. It happens ALL THE TIME here in California."

On the other hand, Curtis McDonald says that paedophilia is illegal but some people still do it. "So Graham and all those supporters who voted no actually think this will keep trangenders out of female bathrooms? The stupidity and illogical thinking."

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