Franklin Graham gives up hopes on Dems and GOP, says voters may have to choose the 'less of 2 heathen' presidential bets

Reverend Franklin Graham addresses the crowd during his Decision America Tour. (Facebook/Franklin Graham)

Rev. Franklin Graham says he has given up hopes that this November's U.S. presidential election will produce a leader who will be able to make the much-needed moral and spiritual changes in the government.

"I have no hope in the Democratic Party, and I don't have any hope in the Republican Party in turning this system around," he said during a recent interview with NBC Nightly News.

Graham is now going from state to state through his Decision America Tour and encouraging Christians to get involved in the government and vote. He is also stressing the need for them to pray for America.

Graham is not endorsing any specific candidate. He was asked what he would do if the American voters would be left with two non-religious candidates vying for the presidency.

"You may have two candidates out there that may be heathens, who end up running against each other. And you'll just have to decide which is the less of two heathens," he answered.

When he was asked again, "Are there heathens running in this race?" Graham replied, "I'm sure there are a few."

The next stop for Graham's Decision America Tour will be on Jan. 12 at Tallahassee, Florida, then on Jan. 13 at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and he is hoping that more people will attend.

"I hope families, pastors, and churches will come out by the carload and by the busload to the capital at noon and stand with me in prayer for our nation. Let's let the politicians know that we're going to take a stand for God and for His truth and righteousness. They need to know that they can't take our vote for granted. We can make a difference if we stand together," he writes on his Facebook page.

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