Franklin Graham calls for prayer for Kim Davis and others 'standing up against evil'

Reverend Franklin Graham says more Americans need to uphold their religious freedom no matter what the cost. (BGEA)

Reverend Franklin Graham has always been brave about standing up for his religious rights and beliefs, and that is why it really impresses him whenever other people take a stand for the Lord as well.

"I'm thankful and proud that Americans are standing up against the evil being forced on us," he wrote on his Facebook page. "Our religious rights and freedoms are being trampled on. Clerk of Court Kim Davis in Rowan County, Kentucky, refused to issue marriage licenses for gay couples and defied the U.S. Supreme Court ruling. She said, 'To issue a marriage license which conflicts with God's definition of marriage, with my name affixed to the certificate, would violate my conscience... For me it is a decision of obedience... It's a matter of religious liberty.'"

But Davis' decision earned her the wrath of the court and other foes of religious freedom. She has been held in contempt of court and ordered jailed. She is also receiving death threats from people she doesn't even know, sources said.

Graham's expression of support for Davis' came even before she appeared in court and arrested on Thursday.

"We need more Americans who are willing to take a stand for religious freedoms and biblical values in our communities. If we don't, we won't even recognise the America that our children and our grandchildren will be left with. Pray for Kim Davis and for our nation today," Graham urged.

Just recently, Graham praised a group of Duke University students for having the "guts" to refuse to read the gay and lesbian-themed school-assigned book called "Fun Home" because they would "have to compromise their personal Christian moral beliefs to read it."

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