Franklin Graham bares friendship between 'two champions' — his father Billy and legendary boxer Muhammad Ali

Billy Graham with Muhammad Ali during their last meeting in Louisville, Kentucky in June 2001. (Facebook/Franklin Graham)

Following the death of boxing legend Muhammad Ali on June 3, many were surprised to find out that the legendary boxer who converted to Islam at a young age was actually good friends with world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham.

Billy's son Franklin says the two actually met several times, adding that the "two champions" last met in Louisville, Kentucky in June 2001.

"My father was there to preach and Muhammad Ali was in town for another engagement and they were staying at the Grand Hotel in downtown Louisville," Franklin shares on his Facebook page. "My father was a champion for the souls of men and Muhammad Ali was a champion of the boxing ring."

Their first meeting occurred in the Graham residence in North Carolina back in 1979. Franklin cannot forget the kind words Ali spoke after that meeting: "I've always admired Mr. Graham. I'm a Muslim and he's a Christian, but there is so much truth in the message he gives, Americanism, repentance, things about government and country—and truth. I always said if I was a Christian, I'd want to be a Christian like him."

Because Billy "leads people to God," Ali said that he looks up to his friend. "My father always hoped Ali would give his life to Christ. I've wondered if he put his faith and trust in Christ before he slipped into eternity. I sure hope so. Islam's Muhammad can't save you, only Jesus Christ can save," says Franklin.

It was Ali's father Cassius Marcellus Clay Sr., who was a painter and musician, who introduced his son to Billy. He was concerned because of Ali's faith in Islam, and feared his son had been led astray. Billy and Ali became fast friends after their meeting and they even shared a prayer together.

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