Fans of the co-op sandbox survival video game "Fortnite" have a lot to look forward to as developers People Can Fly and Epic Games announced a new update rolling in today. Called "Horde Bash" update, it features a lot of new content for players to enjoy.
One of the main parts of the update is the addition of a new mode called "Challenge the Horde." As explained by the developers, "It all starts in a staging area. You'll have unlimited time, but limited resources to build a portable horde fort. Once you've designed the perfect fort, exit the staging area and party with up to three friends."
"Your forts will be ready for action when your team hits the ground. As you survive, you'll receive more resources and more rewards to Challenge the Horde," added the developers.
A new event called "Llama" is also arriving, along with new heroes, weapons, and defenders. Four new heroes are going to be introduced with the update, complete with never-before-seen skills and challenges. Players are reminded that to obtain some Scavenger currency, they need to complete some quests and play the "Challenge the Horde" mode first.
The four new heroes are as follows: "Raider Soldier," a new character who specializes in close-encounter combat and loves shotguns; "Energy Thief Ninja" uses and gets energy from melee fights; the "Ammo Harvest Outlander" meanwhile provides unlimited ammunition to other heroes; while the "Trap Specialist Constructor" gives durability and damage boost to other heroes.
25 new quests are also in store with the "Horde Bash update," with several rewards waiting to be claimed that can range from Scavenger tickets to Legendary items. The update was released a week after a new mode called "Battle Royale" was introduced, focusing on a survival mode in an uninhabited island along with 100 other players.
A trailer was also released teasing the gameplay from the new update. "Fortnite" is currently on a paid early access for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 (PS4). It is slated for a full released sometime in 2018.