Fortnite update 2.3.0 bug fixes: Grenade accuracy, rewards, and UI fixed

A promotional poster for the massively online battle arena video game, 'Fortnite Battle Royale.' Facebook/FortniteGame

Sandbox survival game "Fortnite" just recently went back live after more than half a day being offline to deploy their latest patch, 2.3.0. While most updates focus on additions to the game, this one served mainly to iron out server issues and fix other bugs in the game. Of course, they were able to add some new additions as well.

Many of the players have previously reported bugs that have been quite annoying in both the newly-added Battle Royale and Save the World modes. With the latest update, grenades have better accuracy, especially in the Battle Royale. Players who leave will also no longer be rewarded with stat and challenge progress.

On the other hand, another grenade-related issue has been fixed in the Save the World mode. When players throw frag grenades and cluster bombs on water, it would usually just fall through, making them unable to throw another one. That bug has fortunately been fixed. One minor fix was also made for those who have just started out playing the game. The display would get issues with the game's user interface (UI) when buying Llamas while in tutorial mode.

One new addition with this patch is the item called Chug Jug. The item straightforwardly replenishes player's health back to 100%. The catch is, they will need to "chug" the item for 15 seconds, which is definitely quite long for an action-based game. The update also added an auto-run feature, which can be toggled depending on the console.

As for the server issues causing the game to be offline for around 14 hours, developers Epic has explained the issue on the game's subreddit page. Fortunately, the problems would not be affecting gameplay.

Those who have not installed the latest update can do so already. Patch 2.3.0 is live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.