Former Satanist reveals that he once performed bloody rituals inside abortion clinics


Zachary King was only 10 years old when he first encountered black magic. Growing up in a Baptist home, King was amazed when he had his first brush with evil spirits. He then began delving deeper into satanic rituals. He joined a satanic coven at 13 years old, and when he turned 15, he had already broken all 10 of God's commandments, according to Life Site News

King, a respected Christian public speaker, recalled some of his experiences as a former Satanist in a recent interview conducted by the Lepanto Institute, a Catholic research and education organisation.

King said he worked his way up to being his coven's High Wizard, and even pushed satanic agenda including ritualistic abortions.

"The first one I did (satanic abortion) was about three months before turning 15," he recalls. "It took place in a farm house that was surprisingly more sterile than many of the other abortion clinics I had done abortions in. There was an abortion doctor and an abortion nurse. There was a woman in stirrups about to have a baby who was surrounded by 13 top members of our coven, which were all high priests and priestesses."

"There were several women kneeling on the floor, swaying back and forth chanting 'our body and ourselves' over and over again. Off to the side were several male members of our coven all chanting and praying. The ritual started at 11:45 at night, and the spell began at midnight, which is the witching hour, and the actual death of the child happened at 3:00 a.m, which is called the devil's hour," he continues.

King says his role was to insert the scalpel. He did not have to do the actual killing, but it was important for him to get blood on his hands. King says that abortion procedure wasn't even as "heinous" as other abortions he's done, but the doctor still ripped the baby out of his mother and threw it onto the floor where the women were swaying.

"The women looked like they were possessed, and when the doctor threw the baby out to them, they cannibalised the baby," he says.

Prior to becoming High Wizard, King had already performed five abortions. But after claiming that position, he did 141 more abortions. The former Satanist did not name Planned Parenthood facilities as one of the facilities he performed ritualistic abortions in, but he did say that he's done about 20 ritual abortions in high-profile abortion facilities.

"About two years ago, I went inside one to do some research for a new CD I was working on, and that one was very clean and the people were super nice. But all the ones I went to, doing abortions in them, were terribly unsanitary. They looked like a house of horrors, with blood all over the place, including in some rooms with blood on the ceiling," he says.

Thankfully in January 2008, King met Jesus Christ. He gave up his past 26 years of sorcery and rituals and he finally experienced peace and contentment that he never had before. He started going to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Vermont and in May 2008, he finally entered the Catholic Church.