Former Lesbian Says It's 'Impossible to Have a Healthy Gay Relationship'


Robin Teresa Beck was only 19 years old when she had her first lesbian relationship. Coming from a broken family, Beck revelled at first in what she thought was a loving relationship. Later, she felt devastated after the affair ended.

But Beck quickly found another shoulder to cry on, and had another female lover. Her relationships didn't always last long, so she jumped from one partner to another.

To suit her faith and her homosexuality, Beck twisted Scripture to support her gay lifestyle. She believed that her love for other women was not a sin against God, and she proudly proclaimed that she was a gay Christian.

In her 2012 book "I Just Came For Ashes," Beck reflected on why her relationships always failed. "I kept hoping to find a stable, loving, nurturing woman to heal my heart (in other words, I was looking for the mom I never had)," she wrote.

Five years ago, everything changed for Beck when she went to a Catholic Church to receive ashes during Lenten Ash Wednesday service. The ashes on her forehead was a reminder: "Repent and believe in the Gospel." Right then and there, Beck felt God talking to her. She returned for mass next Sunday, and felt drawn to God's Word.

She finally found the strength and courage to leave her sinful lifestyle, and she chose to begin instruction in the Roman Catholic faith. During Easter of 2010, Beck was finally received into the Catholic Church and she couldn't be happier.

"I have been OK with being God's special 'somebody.' I've been OK with everyday waking up by myself and waking rejoicing that I have a right relationship with God now. It's just His amazing grace that sustains me being alone. That's the miracle," she told LifeSiteNews.

Beck can say with certainty now that gay relationships will never work out because those relationships have taken God out of the equation. "From my experience, it is impossible to have a healthy gay relationship because it goes against the way God made us to be," she said, adding that it is "cruel" for any religious leader to support such relationships.