Former football coach who was fired for offering prayers to team has no regrets, just gratitude

Bremerton High School football coach Joe Kennedy (right) laughs with his players on the football field. (Liberty Institute)

It is not always easy standing up for one's faith. Joe Kennedy, former football coach for Bremerton High School in Bremerton, Washington, did so at the risk of losing his job.

Kennedy made the habit of praying with his athletes at the 50-yard line after every game. Unfortunately, the school district did not think it was appropriate, contending that his religious expression might be considered a possible violation of the Establishment Clause in the U.S. Constitution.

Kennedy was eventually suspended and terminated because he refused to give up his right to pray.

Kennedy recently wrote an op-ed piece for the Washington Times, saying he feels grateful to have stood up for God even if it meant losing his coaching job.

"Just last fall, I lost that job as a high school football coach because of my prayers. Specifically, I was suspended midseason and ultimately terminated because I chose to give a prayer of thanks as I have done after every game for the past eight years. The experience has been extremely hard for me — but I still give thanks," he said.

Kennedy acknowledged that it isn't easy being fired from a job he loves, but he finds comfort knowing that God has greater things in store for him.

"I give thanks for the time I did have with my players, even though it was cut short. I thank God for His continued faithfulness throughout this difficult time for my family and me," Kennedy wrote. "I thank God for the strength He's given me. And I thank God that this is all part of His greater plan — that even though I don't understand, I am free to follow Him, knowing that He has a purpose."

Kennedy said praying for thanksgiving has given him freedom in life. Certain challenges don't make sense for Kennedy, but he said praying to God always gives him a clearer perspective.

"It's like when you dump a jigsaw puzzle out on the table. At first you don't know what to make of all the mismatched pieces in front of you. If you don't have a point of reference for where to start, the uncertainty can be paralyzing," he said. "But when you pray and thank God for what He's already done in your life, things start making sense. You can see where the pieces of your life fit into His big picture. Your life has purpose."

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