Intermission Theatre, a former derelict church in London, will host the world premiere of a slavery drama next week.
Cracking the Whip is about a small-time Hackney drug dealer who finds himself transported back in time to a South Virginia slave plantation.
The play is written by Darren Raymond and Fabian Spencer, who both underwent life-changing experiences while in prison.
Intermission Actors is a newly formed theatre company engaging professional actors and professional directors who are also ex-offenders. The actors also take part in a summer programme to reach out through theatre to inspire young people at risk of offending in the local community.
St Saviour's Church was built in 1859, but lay derelict for many years. There were plans to turn it into a luxury housing development but a campaign saved it for the community in 2002.
The Rev Rob Gillion, Vicar of St Saviour's and Creative Director of Intermission, had been a professional actor for many years before ordination. He was asked to re-open the church with a special brief to be creative.