Ubisoft recently dropped "For Honor" update 1.15.1, and it went live on Thursday, Nov. 30, along with a 45-minute break for the title's maintenance. The patch brought a number of bug fixes for the hack and slash fighting game's characters to improve the players' gaming experience.
The patch made the recovery time for Peacekeeper's zone attack cancels increase to 200 ms. Now, its counter guardbreak does not have the same amount of damage reduction modifier like the other heroes to avoid mistreatments in group fights.
The problem on Valkyrie's involuntary shoulder pin block is now fixed. The issue usually happens when Valkyrie goes head-to-head against Nobushi, as well in some uncalled scenes. Shugoki's shorter demon embrace is also now fixed with the new "For Honor" update 1.15.1.
Also, the Gladiator players can now avoid being bumped by its enemies. Gamers can now freely throw their rivals against the wall. The issue about the Ararmusha's execution of "Ring the Bell," too, has been fixed.
Additionally, the "For Honor" update 1.15.1 has reduced Shaman's wild cat's rage damage from 25 to 20, its swiftness damage from 25 to 20, its pounce damage from 25 to 20, and basic heavy opener damage from 33 to 27.
On the other hand, Shaman's wild cat's rage hit recoveries are now increased from 700 ms to 1000 ms. It also now moved forward to 0.5 m. Its rage normal blocked recoveries also increased from 700 ms to 800 ms.
The bug that makes Shanan switch targets while running a portion of wild cat's rage, predator's hunger, or predator's mercy has now been solved. Also, players can no longer shift from one target to another by running and whipping around.
"For Honor" was released on Feb. 14 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows. The action-fighting game's 1.15.1 update is now available. All game platforms had a 45-minute downtime, from 12 p.m. EST to 12:45 p.m. EST, for the maintenance and preparation for the upgrade last Thursday. For the full list and developer's comment, click here.