'Fire Emblem Heroes' updates: Xander joins new Grand Hero Battle; new arena system, limited Golden Week event now available

"Fire Emblem Heroes" is packed with loads of new things with its update unveiled this week. From the New Grand Hero Battle to a limited Golden Week Event, the mobile game entry of the classic franchise "Fire Emblem" is making its fans more glued to their devices and keep wanting for more.

Xander joins the fray as the new Grand Hero Battle launches in "Fire Emblem Heroes" YouTube/Nintendo Mobile

The big update starts off with one of the fan favorites — Nohrian High Prince Xander. The character finally makes his official debut in the new Grand Hero battle. Xander is introduced alongside a new summoning focus and is different from the Easter Xander.

To obtain Xander, players can complete special maps. In order to get the Paragon Knight in level 30, players should try their wits on Hard mode. This will reward them with a 3-star Xander. To get the character in level 40, lunatic mode will give players a 4-star Xander. Some fans may find the new maps difficult, but the new "Fire Emblem Heroes" character is a good addition to every team. This is because the reward character Xander is at a high level with good number of stars, and formidable stats. 

Xander Grand Hero battle is available until May 8.

The second part of the "Fire Emblem Heroes" update is the new Arena Renewal System. The system will allow players to receive orbs depending on a certain arena's rank. Developers also added "forts" in the new "Fire Emblem Heroes" update. These forts will give special magic effects and increase the team's defense during gameplay.

The last part of the update is a special "Fire Emblem Heroes" event called the "Golden Week." During this event, players will get an extra five percent chance in summoning 5-star heroes. This will be a great event for players who are planning to strengthen their team for future battles. The Golden Week event lasts until May 7.

Aside from this massive update, "Fire Emblem Heroes" will also launch a new character poll, where players choose between male and female spellslingers.

"Fire Emblem Heroes" is available for download on all iOS and Android devices worldwide.