'Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition' release date news: Pocket Edition set for Feb. 9 launch on iOS and Android

Promotional photo for "Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition" FinalFantasyXV/ pocket-edition

The open-world role-playing video game "Final Fantasy XV" is officially coming to smartphones in February. "Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition" will be released for iOS and Android devices on Feb. 9.

The App Store and Google Play already released a preview for the mobile video game and can now be pre-ordered. The mobile video game will bring XV's massive storyline divided into 10 chapters to smartphones. The title will have simple tap controls developed by Square Enix that will allow Noctis and his comrades to fight off enemies and engage in conversation with non-player characters or NPCs. According to the game's story description "The prince (Noctis Lucis Caelum) sets forth for his wedding on the eve of the signing ceremony, sent off by his father, King Regis. Unbeknownst to Noctic, however, the journey ahead is fraught with perils."

Square Enix already teased fans with the application's gameplay and design. The "cute art style" of the Pocket Edition has been well received by a number of gamers and video game critics. Essential game contents like summoning are also present in "Final Fantasy XV" Pocket Edition.

IGN released a first 20-minute gameplay of the game on YouTube, with Noctis and his party struggling to fight Ifrit. The hilarious road side scene where the Regalia broke down was also featured in the video.

The mobile application will be available for free for both iOS and Android devices. However, only the first chapter will be available for the free download and the remaining nine require payments. Gamers can access all chapters for a fixed price rate of $19.99 or buy each chapter piece by piece. Chapter two and three cost $0.99 each and the other seven chapters are valued at $3.99 per piece.

The application will be available for Apple devices with iOS 11.1 or later and Android devices with Android 5.0 or later.