'Final Fantasy XIV' update 4.2 news: The return of Kefka

Promotional photo for the online video game "Final Fantasy XIV" Facebook/ FinalFantasyXIV

"Final Fantasy XIV" is bringing back an old villain to the video game when update 4.2 launches later this month.

A big new update is coming to "Final Fantasy XIV" before this month ends.

According to Square Enix, the fictional role-playing game will receive new dungeons, scenarios, mounts, and a lot more.

Its highlight, however, comes in the name of "Rise of a New Sun," a brand-new scenario that takes the players back to the nation of Doma.

Ala Mhigo is on a steady march toward recovery, thanks to the heroic deed of the Warrior of Light and Raubahn's much-anticipated return.

But there is "no rest for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn." Amid unexpected threats blowing from the Far East, Doma is in danger from a "brewing firestorm."

Aside from that, looks like players will have to prepare themselves for the return of fan-favorite villain Kefka, who appears with his unique laugh at the end of the update's trailer.

As if that is not enough, Square Enix is also adding a new side quest story, titled "The Jade Stoa."

Looks like this would be about Tenzen, a legendary peerless samurai who drove a host of oni into the sea. He was able to succeed only through the help of the Four Lords, "the greatest of the auspices."

Square Enix gave it a mysterious description, calling it a fairy tale, "but often in such tales a kernel of truth can be found."

"Final Fantasy XIV" also gets two new dungeons, Hell's Lid and the more difficult "The Fractal Continuum."

Also up in the 4.2 update is a new player vs. player map called Crystal Tower Training Grounds, a venue for a "grand melee." Game developers said it was fashioned after the "image of the highest reaches of the legendary Crystal Tower."

"Final Fantasy XIV" update 4.2 launches on PlayStation 4 and PC on Jan. 30.