'Final Fantasy VII Remake' art panels are the main highlight of Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Exhibition

Screenshot of Midgar from "Final Fantasy VII Remake's" E3 2015 trailer YouTube/ PlayStation

The Final Fantasy 30<sup>th Anniversary Exhibition by Square Enix is underway at the Mori Arts Center Gallery in Roppongi Hills, Tokyo, Japan. Amid the big event, new arts inspired by the "Final Fantasy VII Remake" took the spotlight with ease.

The exhibition presents a number of art pieces based on several "Final Fantasy" titles and video games. The "Final Fantasy VII Remake" art panels, however, attracted a number of attendees. Iconic areas from the upcoming action and role-playing video game are featured in the exhibition such as the battleground city of Midgar, Aerith Gainsborough's adoptive hometown Sector 5, and more.

Members of the eco-terrorist insurgent group AVALANCHE are also included in the concept arts. Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie are all in the art mix, but not Tifa Lockhart.

The art panels are part of the "Words Aerith Left Behind." One art in particular brought nostalgia to people who have played the original version of the video game. The Sector 5 Church where Aerith and Cloud first met was recreated.

A Twitter user going by the handle Junshen posted photos of the art panels in his account, and fans are going crazy. There are people who are happy with the photos, while few are asking if any information about the release date of "Final Fantasy VII Remake" was provided.

Many fans are hoping for new updates about the anticipated title, but so far, no new reports have surfaced online. Latest rumors suggest the remake will be released by episode starting in the first few months of 2019.

Square Enix has been providing minimal information about the video game's development in 2017 until January this year. There are video game experts who agree with the 2019 first episode release, while some are saying that the title will be launched in the first months of 2019 or could be much later, in October.