'Final Fantasy 7 Remake' release date, news: Square Enix still silent about launch; new combat system hinted

A screengrab from one of the teaser trailers for "Final Fantasy: Remake." YouTube/Square Enix NA

Until now, the team responsible for the recreation of Square Enix's action-adventure role-playing title, "Final Fantasy 7" has been doing great in keeping their lips sealed about "Final Fantasy 7 Remake's" current progress. However, it is believed that the game developer will be releasing more information this December.

It has been noted early on that the title will be adopting a new combat system that will totally veer away from the one featured in the original game. It can be recalled that there were several gameplay teasers that were dished out in recent years showcasing the protagonist Cloud Strife sword-slashing in real-time. The said combat system is also featured in the equally awaited game "Final Fantasy 15." However, the game maker may still have something else in store for how the game will be played.

Most of the game's fans are very much clued into the fact that the game will not be served to them in one sitting. Square Enix already highlighted that the game will be rolled out in chapters due to the upcoming title's immense storyline. It's not yet clear though as to how many installments will be shelled out by the developer for the totality of "Final Fantasy 7 Remake."

Intel about the game's official release date is also being highly anticipated by its fans. With that said, many believe that the game is likely to be spotted in the wild in the latter part of 2017. However, some of them think that it might see the light of day by 2020 considering that Square Enix has its hands full these days as they are bound to dish out "Kingdom Hearts 2.8" come January next year. The rumor mill has also been spinning that tidbits about "Final Fantasy 7 Remake" will be revealed alongside the release of the aforementioned "Kingdom Hearts" title.