Major video game events, such as E3 2017, the Tokyo Games Show, Paris Games Week, PSX 2017 and Jump Festa 2018 have gone with no mention of the "Final Fantasy 7 Remake" and it looks as though Japanese video game developer Square Enix will not be revealing details of the title until next year ahead of E3 2018.
Although "Final Fantasy 7 Remake" was not explicitly mentioned, Square Enix President Yosuke Matsuda told investors in November that the company would be making release date announcements between April 2018 and E3 2018 in June.
"We announced this in our yearly results as well, but certainly the really great thing for us is to see how the Switch is selling so well, it's doing incredibly well, which is nothing but a good thing for us," Matsuda explained in an interview with The Telegraph.
When asked about the impact of the Nintendo Switch on Square Enix, Matsuda said that the success of the platform can only be a thing for the company — adding that releasing games on as many platforms as possible is something they want to do more of. Matsuda explains that having a broad range to choose from can only be a positive thing for the Square Enix and with the Switch doing very well in the market, the developer aims to release games on the platform.
Although he did not name the titles the company plans on releasing for the Switch, titles like "Final Fantasy" and "Kingdom Hearts" are expected to be among them. Matsuda has also announced that the "Final Fantasy" series would continue to evolve in the years to come. He took the opportunity to thank the fans of the franchise, and said that he is pleased to see everyone continue to support the title after 30 years. Matsuda added that the company will be preparing numerous anniversaty events.