'Final Fantasy 15' release date, news: Gameplay leaks become rampant; director releases statement

A screengrab of the protagonist Noctis Lucis Caelum from the upcoming "Final Fantasy 15." Square Enix

After a decade of waiting, longtime fans of the "Final Fantasy" franchise will finally get their hands on the long overdue "Final Fantasy 15" that will be out about a week from now. However, there are players from other regions that may have gotten too elated in acquiring the game early as reports suggest that they have been posting videos of the title, making other players quite upset about the leaks.

In the advent of such fiasco, game director Hajime Tabata released a statement addressing the spoilers that have been flooding the web as of late. Per the press release, Tabata mentioned that they are aware of such concerns and added that these instances are beyond their grasp. He further explained that this issue arose from a so-called "regional circumstances" as it was noted that most of the spoilers and leaks have come from the South American region.

Moreover, the game director said that they aimed to roll out the game in a contemporaneous manner to the entirety of its fandom, but due to the aforementioned events that happened, he just advised fans to be extra cautious about the spoilers.

Tabata also addressed the players who got an early copy of the game to not upload future gameplay videos on the web and at the same time be considerate of other players who are still waiting for the title to be released in their region.

Meanwhile, it is said that the upcoming title will arrive alongside its first ever game tweak known as the "Crown Update" that will include an item called a "Monster Whistle" that has the ability to summon a monster, a social network function, a "Wait Mode," camera upgrades, and even recipes on how to cook certain types of fishes.

"Final Fantasy 15" will be seeing the light of day this Nov. 29.