'Final Fantasy 15' release date, news: a look at the notable changes before launch

A preview of the car players will use for their character in the upcoming video game, "Final Fantasy XV." Facebook/ffxv

Game developer Square Enix's much hyped and highly anticipated open world action role-playing video game, "Final Fantasy XV" is in some way the company's last straw, hoping that for all the commitment and resources allotted to the upcoming game, it'll translate into a commercial success. And because the game is about to be released in a few days, it's about time to figure out if it really is something worthy to purchase.

Unlike the previous titles, this 15th main installment in the "Final Fantasy" series is unique because of the decision to give it a more serious and darker theme, wherein there's an emphasis on providing realistic characters as well as the entirety of the game's environment. Simply put, "Final Fantasy XV" is trying to deviate from the tradition of the previous successful games in this franchise. It may sound like a risky move from Square Enix, but it could very well be the key to reviving the reputation of this video game franchise.

For the most part, those who played at least a couple of the previous "Final Fantasy" games will be in for a surprise since gone are the days of the magic and swords, and they are to be replaced by supercars, buildings and cities, and a rather modern setting overall.

A CNET report describes the world of Eos as nothing short of beautiful, while also praising the changes made to the environment, not just the gameplay and combat. But then again, that certain element which is some kind of trademark for "Final Fantasy" video games is still there, where players are given the creeps in times that they least expect it. For this game, driving at night will most likely lead to demon encounters. Nonetheless, that is what the game is really all about, right?

"Final Fantasy XV" is set for a worldwide release on Nov. 29 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.