Fearful about the future? Here are 4 prayers you can say


Throughout our lives we will all encounter periods of uncertainty. And often, this unease about what's to come is accompanied by an almost uncontrollable desire to know what the eventual outcome will be.

Right now, in the wake of an EU referendum vote that favoured Brexit (a British exit from the European Union), the atmosphere in Britain and Europe is one of heightened uncertainty. Such a climate is gripping other countries in the world as well.

Violent conflicts, economic crises and unparalleled natural disasters all shake our foundations, causing us to question everything and anything.

On a personal level, many of us may be able to relate to wanting to know something before we ever could—the health of an unborn baby, the outcome of a job interview. But we eventually resign ourselves to the fact that we can't see too far ahead, and that all we can do is wait, impatiently or patiently, until the time comes.

If you're a Christian who voted "remain" and are apprehensive about the future, one who voted "leave" but has little or no confidence in what will become of this historic decision, or if you have no interest in the debate and are concerned about what lies ahead for you as an individual with very different concerns, these prayers can all help you express how you feel to God.

When we have reservations about something or don't know which way to turn, it's reassuring to acknowledge that God has a plan. These prayers reflect that reality, and our need to pray when our own plans don't work out.

"O Christ Jesus,

When all is darkness and we feel our weakness and helplessness, give us the sense of Your Presence, Your Love and Your Strength.

Help us to have perfect trust in Your protecting love and strengthening power, so that nothing may frighten or worry us.

For, living close to You, We shall see Your Hand, Your Purpose, Your Will through all things.


- St. Ignatius of Loyola

Dear merciful Lord,

Things seem unclear. I'm not sure where I stand or if the decisions I make are correct.

Too many thoughts swirl around and confuse me. The enemy brings uncertainty and fear to my heart.

Stand up for me Lord. Fight for me. Cast away the darkness. Show me your will. Bring me clarity and peace.

Even if I cannot have all the answers, I know the one who does.

Let your Spirit bring me certainty that you will never leave me, that you will always lead me.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

- adapted from prayerforanxiety.com

Dear Lord,

I am so grateful for your protection and planning, but I'm anxious about what will be. I'm afraid of how things will turn out because I cannot see what you are willing to happen and I fear the worst.

I know that I am unable to understand everything, so I ask that your peace fills my heart.

Please give me strength to wait on you and to weather what the future holds.


Dear God,

I'm fearful about what I once thought was failsafe, scared about what I thought was certain.

Now I'm not sure what lies ahead or which road to take.

I pray that you instruct me and teach me which way to go.

You are full of wisdom and you care for me like no other. Counsel me during this time of uncertainty and cast your loving eye on me.
