'Fear the Walking Dead' season 3 rumors: Series to explore Luciana and Nick's dynamics as separate cases of orphans

Luciana will find strength in Nick despite not agreeing with him all the time in "Fear the Walking Dead" season 3. Facebook/Fear the Walking Dead

While "Fear the Walking Dead" season 3 is not expected to arrive earlier than summer, it is already suspected that the upcoming sister series of "The Walking Dead" will explore the dynamics of the two orphans in the series, Luciana (Danay Garcia) and Nick (Frank Dillane). 

The synopsis of the upcoming season 3 of "The Walking Dead" reveals that the characters of the popular post-apocalyptic series will be brought to what was known as the U.S.-Mexico border, which has already been dissolved following the events of the series' version of the apocalypse caused by the zombies. There, the characters will not only do their share in rebuilding society but the very core that makes it up: family. However, as Luciana has already been orphaned, the character cannot be expected to rebuild her own family.

"In my case, I really lost (my family), and they're not coming back. In Nick's (Frank Dillane) situation, he chose that. At some point, those are differences that will come to life, I think. I don't know how they are going to play out. But there is a big difference in leaving someone by choice and losing somebody for real," Garcia revealed in an interview with Den of Geek earlier.

Despite being brokenhearted over the fate of her loved ones, Garcia admitted in the said interview that Nick's presence will be a great help to Luciana, especially in her quest to cope and move forward, even if they do not always see eye-to-eye.

Meanwhile, apart from possibly exploring Luciana and Nick's orphan cases, "Fear the Walking Dead" season 3 is also expected to usher in a female villain, a first for the series as it featured several male villains in its past two seasons. When asked to comment on the show having a female villain for its season 3, Garcia said that it is a great opportunity to showcase girl power.

"What a privilege it is to be a woman today. This is the moment that we can really be heard, and we have been heard!...a little bit of a twist of 'What if this would happen? And what if this character, a woman, would be put into this situation?' I think it's working fantastic," Garcia said.

"Fear the Walking Dead" returns to AMC for its season 3 this June 4.