'Fallout 4' DLC release date update: New downloadable content packs coming by March 2016

The opening of the year means a lot, especially to gamers who await new updates and perks from game developers. Bethesda fans would be one of them, as "Fallout 4" will be receiving DLC soon.

 Fallout 4 Official site

Although game developer Bethesda has remained silent for the time being as to what downloadable content players in the "Fallout" world should expect, rumours are now floating around the Internet as to what new content gamers can expect. N4BB reports that additional missions will be added to the game with perks such as new weapons and amor as reward for accomplishing the bonus additions to the game play.

Also, an imgur post of a player calling himself Lavonicus shows screen captures showing what the gamer claims to be additional underwater maps. Though this report is unconfirmed, many "Fallout" fans are convinced that there will be underwater content such as explorable submarine terrain by the time DLC packs start arriving.

The downloadable content packs will be made available for $30 although Bethesda claims that the real cost of the pack will come out at around $40. Gamers who will be playing "Fallout 4" on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and Steam can avail of the DLC pack deals.

"Fallout 4" is an open-world role-playing action game set in post-aapocalyptic Boston after a nuclear war destroys the world, and people emerge from underground bunkers. The game is the fifth instalment to the "Fall-out" series and is set in 2287, ten years after the setting that "Fallout 3" exists in and 210 years after the third world war.

The gaming company Bethesda, is also the genius behind games like "Skyrim," "The Elder Scrolls," "The Evil Within," "Doom," "Rogue Warrior" and many more games. "Fallout 4" has received high acclaim from critics and players, receiving a rating of 84 percent on Metacritic based on 36 critic ratings.

The "Fallout 4" DLC is expected to arrive before March according to experts.