'Fallout 4' Creation Club news: Angry player creates a mod to remove Creation Club notices in the game

Preview of the first Creation Club items in "Fallout 4." Twitter/Fallout

Wasteland survivors and wanderers who are weary of seeing the persistent Creation Club advertisement from Bethesda's "Fallout 4" can now have their post-apocalyptic journey untainted by it, as a new modification (mod) now promises to remove the said advertisement.

The mod, created by a player displeased with Bethesda's "Fallout 4" Creation Club scheme, has now reached a rapidly growing 18,000 number of downloads at the time of writing. The mod's downloads and views have doubled since its record of 9,000 downloads from just three days prior. This has made the mod one of the most popular and essential downloads in "Fallout 4" Nexus, the unofficial "Fallout 4" mod sharing website.

The mod, created by Nexus user "InAComaDial999," has also risen as the second most voted mod for the month of September in the website. The mod, once installed, removes Bethesda's Creation Club announcement in the main menu of the game.

Players can actually consider this as an objection to the game's Creation Club, as suggested by PC Gamer, or perhaps just a simple preference for not wanting any clutter in the game's user-interface. Either way, the mod achieves what the gaming community of "Fallout 4" wants, which is to alter or enhance the game in a way that suits them.

Back when the Creation Club was first introduced to "Fallout 4," players and long-time fans of Bethesda weren't exactly thrilled to utilize the feature, since it essentially was a paid mod service. It was Bethesda's answer to the Nexus mods website, where players usually don't have to pay for mods. Instead, they can simply donate to the third-party mod creator as a form of support.

Even now, however, it seems that players still have not warmed up to the Creation Club feature of "Fallout 4." Kotaku even suggested that players are not downloading the mod purely for aesthetic needs or wants; rather, they allegedly download the mod to protest the existence of Bethesda's Creation Club, as well as the gaming giant's marketing scheme for the feature.

"Fallout 4" owners interested in trying out the mod can visit its page on the Nexus website and download it freely for Microsoft Windows.