Following the fatal blow that Zeref delivered to Natsu in the current chapter of "Fairy Tail," fans are now worried that the latter may die eventually. However, some can't help but speculate that, instead of dying, Natsu may have acquired the Fairy Heart and will only become more powerful in the upcoming chapter 534 of the popular manga series.
To the uninitiated, chapter 533 of "Fairy Tail" features Zeref acquiring the Fairy Heart from Mavis as she intervenes in the battle of the brothers. With the Fairy Heart now in possession of Zeref, he has now all that he needs to execute his Neo Eclipse plan of eradicating the current world through the Ravines of Time and eventually reset time. While Natsu strains his every nerve to stop his brother, Zeref gives him a fatal punch that went through his heart, leaving many fans speculating that he will finally die in the next chapter.
However, according to recent reports, some fans speculate that it is unlikely for Natsu to die in "Fairy Tail" chapter 534. In fact, many believe that, instead of dying, Natsu will even grow more powerful as the Fairy Heart will be transferred to him after Zeref's fatal attack on him.
Meanwhile, the current chapter also features Lucy and Gray opening the Book of End. Upon reading it, they discover a lot of information that can be of big help to Natsu as it is suspected to be linked to his body. As Lucy wishes that they could rewrite the book so that Natsu can revert back to being a mortal and a normal human being, it is also suspected that the upcoming chapter may feature Lucy, indeed, rewriting it and prevent Natsu from dying.
Has Zeref inadvertently transferred the power of the Fairy Heart to Natsu? Will Lucy really rewrite the Book of End?
Find out when "Fairy Tail" chapter 534 arrives in the coming days.