'Fairy Tail' chapter 512 spoilers: Larcade to end Sting with sleep magic

A promotional image showing the characters of the manga series, "Fairy Tail." Facebook/FairyTailByHiroMashimaOfficial

Hiro Mashima's highly popular manga series, "Fairy Tail" has been adapted into an anime series that gained a fairly reasonable number of followers on its own, including mainstream viewers outside of its home country, Japan. Now in the upcoming chapter 512 of the manga series, there are so many exciting things fans are waiting for.

In a recent Yibada report, it was speculated that the chapter will begin with Larcade finally wrapping up his battle with Sting, eventually deciding to use his magical ability to force the opponent to sleep. In the previous chapter, Larcade already told Sting that he will be killed the moment the sleep magic is summoned. As Larcade is hell-bent in eliminating Sting, fans should expect him to use the magic in order to finish the fight.

Meanwhile, rumors have it that in spite of Rogue's assistance by affording Sting a power-up, the latter will never be able to defeat Larcade and no one or nothing can actually stop what seems to be an inevitable scenario in "Fairy Tail" chapter 512.

It's hard to fathom why an evil being like Larcade is given the showcase of winning this fight, considering that everyone wants Rogue and Sting to defeat him; but then again, there could be something bigger that's expected to happen in the next couple of chapters.

Back when Larcade first utilized the starvation magic, he was confident enough that he'd defeat Sting's group after everyone started turning to each other in order to survive. But as brilliant as Sting is, he realized he needed to do something and he was successful at knocking each one of them effectively. While Sting may have brought the ire of Larcade, that's the time that the latter uses the sleep magic spell. The last episode ended with Sting about to retaliate, but will he be able to survive? There's only one way to find out.