Fair Trade takes 'Global Journey' to Glasgow

The Fair Trade international partnership will take the message of fair trade to Scotland's largest city next month when its Global Journey hits Glasgow.

Fair Trade is an international partnership of charities, shops and food manufacturers dedicated to the fair trade of goods. Its UK members include Oxfam, Traidcraft, Tearcraft and Divine Chocolate.

The group is calling for greater equity in international trade, promoting the ideals of fair trade in supporting poor and marginalised producers.

The Global Journey procession leaves from Glasgow's George Square at 1pm on Saturday March 3 and finishes at The Fair Trade Experience, Scotland's largest fair trade event, at the Glasgow Concert Hall.

The Global Journey is a Fair Trade worldwide tour to promote trade in and consumption of ethically sourced foods and goods. It started in Mumbai in January 2004 and has since passed through over 60 countries. Champions of Fair Trade Organisations are being photographed with a special banner as it travels around the world.

Recently, Welcome Baptist Church in Heathfield, East Sussex, became the nation's 400th 'Fairtrade Church'. The scheme, supported by aid agency Tearfund, encourages churches throughout the country to serve only Fair Trade products at all church events.

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