Hollywood has a way of exaggerating things and skating over truly important details, and movies focusing on exorcism are no exception.
Father Francesco Bamonte, president of the International Association of Exorcists from Rome, wrote in an article for L'Osservatore Romano that there is a huge chance for Hollywood to "promote greater awareness" about the Catholic faith and how it fights off exorcism, but sadly, "the way in which evil, demonic possession, the prayer of exorcism and liberation are presented is disappointing and unacceptable."
According to the Catholic News Service, Bamonte is upset because most exorcism movies simply ignore "the marvelous, stupendous presence and work of God" and how Mary can help in the battle against evil.
"The demon, even if he doesn't want to, is forced against his will to affirm the truth of our Catholic faith," he said. "When listening to a prayer to the Virgin, [the demon] shows all of his hatred and fear toward her, he is forced to confirm that Mary is the mother of God and that she intercedes for humanity."
But for Bamonte, the most glaring mistake that Hollywood movies make in its depictions is the aspect of light versus dark and good versus evil.
"Satan is not the god of evil against the God of the good, rather he is a being who God created as good and who, with some angels—also created good by God—became evil because they refused God and his kingdom with their free and final choice," he explained.
"Satan and the spirits at his service, therefore, are not omnipotent beings. They cannot perform miracles; they are not omnipresent; they cannot know our thoughts or know the future," he added.
It isn't true as well that salvation belongs only to those who have superior knowledge, said Bamonte. It is for that wrong message that more and more people are leaving the church and setting the ground for "a class of superior beings."
People "who live with trusting abandon in God's arms are stronger than the devil and all of his minions—these truths do not emerge in the movies," he said.