Evangelist Beth Moore says true peace comes in situations that are completely surrendered to Christ

Living Proof Ministries founder Beth Moore says, 'Obedience is always the mark of authentic surrender to God's authority.' (Facebook/Living Proof Ministries with Beth Moore)

Christians often say they want to attain true peace, and yet find themselves hesitating to surrender their lives completely to God, which is what the road to peace truly requires.

Evangelist Beth Moore, founder of Living Proof Ministries, writes that peace will only come in situations that are completely surrendered to the sovereign authority of Christ.

"Sometimes when we finally give up trying to discover all the answers to the whys in our lives and decide to trust a sovereign God, unexpected peace washes over us like a summer rain," she says. "We sometimes lack peace in far less strenuous circumstances because we are not as desperate or as likely to turn them over to God."

However, Jesus is desperate for His children to experience His peace, says Moore. It grieves Him to see people's hearts troubled by unnecessary turmoil because He knows He can take care of things. The only thing people need to do is believe in Him, bend their knees, and learn to receive His grace.

"We must remember that bending the knee is ultimately a matter of pure obedience," stresses Moore. "You may never feel like giving your circumstance, hurt, or loss to Him; but you can choose to submit to His authority out of belief and obedience rather than emotion. Obedience is always the mark of authentic surrender to God's authority."

The more people learn to obey God's commands, the more they are washed away by peace and righteousness. Moore clarifies they won't have righteous perfection but righteous consistency.

"You see, God's way is the safe way. The right way. And the only peaceful way in a chaotic world," she says. "I hope you've discovered that peace is not beyond your reach. It's not a goal to meet one day. You can begin a life of authentic peace today. Right now. The path to peace is paved with kneeprints."