Employment tribunal hears case of teacher sacked after raising concerns about school's trans policy

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A teacher is this week giving evidence about her sacking from a school after she refused to address a transitioning female pupil as a boy.

The teacher, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was told by her school that she had to address the child by their new name and pronouns. Under the school's policy, the child was also to be allowed to use toilets and changing rooms of the opposite sex.

The teacher, a committed Christian, says she was dismissed by the school, where she had worked for five years, after she raised safeguarding concerns about the welfare of the child and other pupils at the school.

She says her concerns were ignored by school bosses, governors and the local authority.

Her dismissal came when she accessed and divulged information to lawyers as she sought a judicial review into the school and council's refusal to act on her concerns.

The school argued that the information shared with lawyers was confidential.

At an employment tribunal hearing the case in Nottingham this week, she will claim victimisation for whistleblowing, unfair dismissal, and discrimination on the grounds of her Christian beliefs.

She will also argue that extreme LGBTQI+ ideology is influencing the school's policies and that her sacking amounts to overreach.

Speaking ahead of the hearing, the teacher, who faces the prospect of never being able to teach again, said the action she took was "in the public interest". 

"It is because I care so much about children that I am taking this action. This isn't about me simply trying to prove that I am right, but about the safety of seriously distressed children," she said. 

"I could not participate in causing harm to Child X. The tragic stories of 'detransitioners', the Policy Exchange report and clear expert scientific evidence, back and vindicate me.

"Teachers are being bullied not to question trans affirming policies but evidence shows they put the welfare of children at serious risk.

"I am determined to pursue justice over how I have been treated because my number one concern and motivation is to protect this child and other children in this country from harm."

Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said: "For years, parents and teachers who have raised safeguarding concerns over these issues have been ignored and disbelieved despite clear expert evidence demonstrating the harm trans affirmation causes.

"The Policy Exchange report highlights that school leaders and teachers are endemically failing to follow standard safeguarding protocols in relation to 'transitioning', but in this case, we see what happens to a teacher who tries to do it right.

"This story exposes the confusion and untruths being embedded in primary schools which are developing into a public health crisis.

"The Department for Education must look closely at this case and take appropriate action to protect teachers, who often hold Christian beliefs on these issues, from being hounded out of the profession for opposing or even questioning transgender ideology."