Eddie Long Says He Gets So Many Messages From Church Members, He Can't Answer Them All

Bishop Eddie Long tells his congregation that he intends to be fully involved in ministry once he gets better. (YouTube Screenshot/Miz Justice)

A lot of people have expressed concern over the health of Bishop Eddie Long, senior pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, Georgia, ever since he showed up in public last week with a drastic weight loss.

Long admitted that he's currently going through a "health challenge," but did not say what his exact condition is. Some people even suspect he might be suffering from cancer, or he could be infected with HIV or AIDS, according to the Christian Times.

Many people have tried to contact Long to inquire about his health, while others have sent him thoughtful sentiments and prayers in the hopes that his health would improve.

Long said he definitely appreciates people's concerns but admitted that he can't answer each and every one of the calls and text messages he received. "I know a lot of you try to contact me, and call me and text me. I can't return all the texts. I get all the love. Just know I can't do it. It's just too many, too many," said Long in a YouTube video of his Dec. 11, 2016 sermon.

"But it makes me feel good to see all them folks that's praying for me. I want you to know because one reason I can't even when some... is because everybody want to ask questions. I don't want to rehearse facts," the bishop continued.

Long even said he plans to be "fully engaged" with his ministry once he gets stronger, and he encouraged people to keep attending church and invite other people to do the same.

Long's health isn't the only issue in his life right now. The bishop said his drastic weight loss can be attributed to a vegan diet, but some people don't believe him. Over the years, his ministry has been marred with accusations stemming from lawsuits filed by multiple men, who claim that he engaged them in sexual acts.

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