Duggar Pastor Ronnie Floyd on Who to Vote for: 'It's a Simple Decision' in Light of Clinton's Pro-Abortion Support

Donald Trump listens as Hillary Clinton answers a question from the audience during one of their presidential debates. Reuters

Pastor Ronnie Floyd of Cross Church, well-known for his ties with the Duggar family from "19 Kids and Counting" and "Counting On," believes that it's quite easy for evangelicals to choose between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

The choice is a no-brainer, he wrote on his blog, because Clinton supports abortion while the Bible prioritises human life.

"While I never endorse candidates, I could never support a candidate who advocates taking the life of a child, and in Hillary Clinton we have a candidate who not only calls for the continuation of abortion, but also defends late-term abortion, the most barbaric form of abortion," he said.

Clinton intends to use taxpayer dollars to promote abortion, Floyd said, adding that this reason alone is enough for evangelical Christians not to vote for her. "Every abortion is designed to end life. It's just that simple," he said.

Floyd stressed that life matters from the womb to the tomb, saying that as a Christian, he has the moral responsibility to use whatever influence he has to "speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, to ensure justice for those being crushed," according to Proverbs 31:8.

"As I have stated before, I do not vote for candidates or even political parties — I vote for policies. In this complicated election, with all its scandals and revelations, the most important issues should determine our decision on November 8," he said.

Floyd did not mention Trump, but it's clear the senior pastor of Cross Church would vote for him despite the fact that many other evangelical leaders have given their thumbs down to the business magnate.

"I believe abortion remains one of those issues that matters most, and I will not give my vote to a candidate who would allow a doctor to kill a nearly born baby," he said.