Duggar news: Joy-Anna Duggar reveals due date, fans not convinced

Joy-Anna Duggar carrying first child Facebook/countingonTLC

One of the most controversial pregnancies is that of "Counting On" star Joy-Anna Duggar. Ever since she announced her pregnancy, there have been talks that the Duggar family is hiding something about it. But a recent update from Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth confirms the date of their baby's arrival.

Many suspected that the couple engaged in premarital sex, and that the baby was conceived months before their marriage. Some critics noted that her baby bump is bigger than what she revealed. Although the couple remains silent about the issue, they recently created a baby registry that shows the baby due date.

The baby registry on Amazon under the name of Joy-Anna reveals that her due date is on Feb. 22, which is one month to go. Under the registry are Crib Sheets with Toddler Bedding, Aveeno Baby Daily Bathtime solution, Huggies diapers, and a Baby's First Year Book. It also includes a Playtext Diaper Genie Pail, Vicks Warm Mist Humidifier, and a Plug-In Night Light for the nursery. Also part of the registry is a one-year Amazon Prime membership.

However, the due date is interesting since the two got married on May 26, 2017. In order for it to be nine months from their wedding date, the due date would be Feb. 26. But in a congratulatory video that the family filmed for Jinger Duggar, Joy-Anna said that her sister's pregnancy is "six months longer than mine."

Based on the statement of Joy-Anna, her due date would be this month. If this is indeed true, then she conceived her baby in March 2017. Looking at the couple's wedding date, this manifests that she got pregnant two months prior to her wedding date.

Although Joy-Anna already revealed her due date on the Amazon baby registry, many fans are still not convinced that she is being honest about her pregnancy. Unlike her sisters Jill and Jessa, Joy-Anna does not post updates about her pregnancy journey. This makes critics believe that the star is indeed hiding something from the public.