Duck Dynasty wives come clean in 'The Women of Duck Commander' tell-all book

The Women of Duck Commander

The Robertson wives may have received less attention in the past than their bearded husbands, but their book, "The Women of Duck Commander," may change that. Written by Kay, Korie, Missy, Jessica, and Lisa Robertson, "The Women of Duck Commander" reveals secrets that even avid "Duck Dynasty" viewers may not know.

Kay Robertson, the family's matriarch, reveals that she was already pregnant with her oldest son, Alan, when she married Phil at the age of 16.

Alan's wife, Lisa, discusses being molested as a child, and how that trauma led her to cheat on her husband. In a "Good Morning America" interview with the female cast, Lisa also describes how the adultery and subsequent separation affected her relationship with the family.

Jessica, wife of Phil's son, Jep, told GMA that the popularity of "Duck Dynasty" has turned the self-proclaimed rednecks into unlikely sex symbols: "Last year a lady asked to take a picture with Jep, and during the picture he said she, like, grabbed his rear end." 

Missy, another daughter-in-law of Phil's, chimed in: "The women are after the men." The Robertson women, at least, are sticking together.

"We're no 'Real Housewives'who argue all the time," Korie (another daughter-in-law) stated. "We all work and vacation together; we're all each other's village."

The hit A&E reality show is the highest-rated on cable TV, and propelled the already well-off Robertson family into fame.

Phil-- the family's patriach and father of Alan, Jase, Willie, and Jep-- came under increased scrutiny after he made a series of controversial comments in GQ Magazine. Including condemning homosexuality, Phil claimed that blacks were happier before the Civil Rights Movement, and compared Shintoists and Muslims to Nazis. Kay defended her husband, stating: "You know as far as Phil with the gay thing... love everybody that is gay. But yes, because he quoted the scripture that said that, he would do that again because that's just who he is," said Kay. "He's honest. He loves people. He really does." A&E initially suspended Phil, but quickly reversed their decision. 

"The Women of Duck Commander" is available at, Barnes & Noble, and other retailers nationwide. A new season of A&E's "Duck Dynasty" begins Summer 2014.

Duck Dynasty GMA interview Good Morning America