'Duck Dynasty' stars Alan and Lisa Robertson lead rally against abortion

Members of the North Carolina Right to Life organisation protest against abortion in Raleigh, North Carolina. (North Carolina Right to Life Inc.)

"Duck Dynasty" stars Alan and Lisa Robertson led the pro-life breakfast and march organised by North Carolina Right to Life in Raleigh, North Carolina on Saturday in protest against the legalisation of abortion.

According to Life News, 43 years have passed since the U.S. Supreme Court passed Roe v. Wade and its companion decision Doe v. Bolton, which made abortion on demand legal throughout the nine months of pregnancy. Since then, over 58 million babies have been aborted in the U.S.

North Carolina Right to Life explains in its website that it spearheaded the event "to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to standing for life until unborn children are safe from the violence of abortion."

The organisation chose the Robertson couple to speak during its event because of their first-hand experience with abortion. Lisa's abortion was an incredibly painful ordeal, and she was unable to shake off the guilt she felt for the longest time. It was only when Lisa sought God's forgiveness that she felt at peace with her decision, which she still wishes she could take back.

Lisa's struggle with abortion is detailed in the book entitled "A New Season: A Robertson Family Love Story of Brokenness and Redemption."

"I thought it was important to include because there are people out there who this has happened to," she told Us Magazine. "I had one girl tell me she has cried herself to sleep just about every night for the last 25 years after having an abortion, and nobody else knows about it. She regretted it all this time, but she just can't seem to find a place of healing from it. So I thought it was a very unique thing for somebody who is in our position to say, 'Look, I did this. And you can find healing and comfort from Jesus in it.'"

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