'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson wants to become Donald Trump's 'spiritual adviser'

'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson suggests, 'Why don't we vet our thinking through the word of God, love God, and love each other? Why don't we try that for a while?' Reuters

Even though "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson would have preferred to see Sen. Ted Cruz in the White House, he is now stopping at nothing to support presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump.

"I was forced into the Trump train, but I am happily volunteering my services for Mr. Trump, mainly because the Republican Party has spoken," Robertson told Fox and Friends. "The people have said, 'We want Mr. Trump.' So Mr. Cruz goes down, I love him, but now I'm on the Trump train and I'll do everything I can to help him. Hey, we have to be loyal to the party."

The outspoken patriarch of the reality show acknowledges that Trump does not have a political record, but he does not like what he sees in Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Because of this, he would rather take a chance with the business magnate rather than pin America's future on either Clinton or Sanders.

Should Trump win, Robertson would like to offer his services and become his "spiritual adviser." He is optimistic that Trump can achieve great things if God is guiding him on his leadership.

"I'll make a valiant attempt behind the scenes, you understand, to sit down with Donald with a Bible in between us, and I can help him along with concepts like loving your enemies, loving your God, loving your neighbour," Robertson said.

"Even your enemies, forgive them and move on. I can help him in that area. I can see it now, Trump wins and the camera's panning and his spiritual advisor is me," he added.

Robertson strongly believes that America needs to regain its moral values and turn back to God. If not, then America is setting itself up for destruction. "Why don't we vet our thinking through the word of God, love God and love each other? Why don't we try that for a while?" he suggested. "That's my story and I'm sticking to it."

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