'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson shows support to Ted Cruz anew: 'He's godly and won't budge on principle'

'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson fires up the crowd by attacking President Obama before U.S. Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz takes the stage at a campaign event at the Western Iowa Tech Community College in Sioux City, Iowa on Jan. 30, 2016. Reuters

"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson showed his support for Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz once again when he appeared at a "Cruzin' to Victory" rally held at The Castine Center in Mandeville, Louisiana.

Cruz highlighted the Texas senator's "godly" character and dedication to bring back Christian principles in America, according to the Gospel Herald.

"On behalf of Cruz, I got behind him," Robertson, 69, told the crowd. "I'm looking for someone who's godly and who will not budge on principle and won't budge on this Bible that I'm holding here in my hand."

Robertson first made his endorsement for Cruz earlier this January. "Ted Cruz is my man, I'm voting for him," Robertson told Fox News.

The two men bonded over duck hunting, and Robertson was so impressed by Cruz's hunting skills and faith in God. "My qualifications for president of the United States are rather narrow: Is he or she godly? Does he or she love us? Can he or she do the job? And finally would they kill a duck and put him in a pot and make him a good duck gumbo?" Robertson said. "Cruz fits the bill."

Despite his support for Cruz, Robertson's son Willie and his wife Korie are backing Cruz's rival, Donald Trump.

"He's not afraid to tell it like it is," Willie said about Trump, according to the PR News Wire. "He's a friend of the Second Amendment...the man I'm standing behind to be the next President of the United States – Donald Trump."

He described Trump as a "real leader" who will make a great fit in the White House. "He represents success and strength, two attributes our country needs. Like me, he is a successful businessman and family man and I endorse his candidacy for President of the United States," said Willie.

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