'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson endorses Ted Cruz for U.S. president

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson has given Ted Cruz his seal of approval. (Photo: Facebook/Duck Dynasty)

The ducks are quacking for Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz. Outspoken "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson is certainly making all the quacks for Cruz.

"Ted Cruz is my man, I'm voting for him," Robertson told Fox News.

Cruz and Robertson sealed the deal of his endorsement while duck hunting on Monday. Robertson explained that his decision to support Cruz stemmed from the fact that he is a true Christian who has the heart to serve fellow Americans. His ability to hunt for ducks, said Robertson, is just icing on the cake.

"My qualifications for president of the United States are rather narrow: Is he or she godly? Does he or she love us? Can he or she do the job? And finally would they kill a duck and put him in a pot and make him a good duck gumbo?" Robertson said. "Cruz fits the bill."

Cruz even got an invite to the Robertson family Sunday night dinner at their home in West Monroe, Louisiana, where they discussed not only Cruz's political plans, but their similarities in business.

"I am thrilled to have Phil's support for our campaign," Cruz said. "The Robertsons are a strong family of great Christian faith and conservative values."

"Phil's story of starting off with something small and working hard to achieve the American dream is inspiring," Cruz added. "Much like my parents, and many other Americans, who started a small business and worked hard to provide for our family."

Robertson's own son Willie Robertson was earlier reported to be supporting Cruz's opponents such as Bobby Jindal and Donald Trump. Willie did not specifically say that he is endorsing either of them, but during Trump's campaign trail in Oklahoma City last year, he said: "I do like me some Trump, I gotta admit."

"Here's the deal. We're both successful businessmen, we both have pretty big shows on television, and we both have wives that are 1,000 times better looking than us. So I like Trump," said Willie.

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